Support Our Seniors Potluck on October 5th
Seniors and their families are invited to join in conversation around the expectations, excitement, and challenges of the year ahead on Thursday, October 5th from 5:30-7 PM in the Gym. Senior Seminar teachers/advisors will provide an overview of the senior year, Senior Project, and the graduation requirements along with this year’s installment of “Dear Diary”—a not-to-be-missed crowd favorite! Please bring a dish to share!
Community Connections Night on October 5th
We invite all members of the Parker community to meet with the Class of 2023 and learn about their Senior Projects on Thursday, October 5th from 7-8:15 PM in the Gym! We hope you will offer suggestions for…
- resources they should access
- people/organizations with whom they might collaborate
- experiential opportunities they could pursue
- product ideas they might consider
Please feel free to bring guests from inside and outside the Parker community!
The Lost & Found Closet (across from Room 28) will be CLEARED OUT on Tuesday, October 3rd. Please stop by before that date to check for and claim any items that belong to your loved ones!
COVID-19 Cases and Optional Testing
In the past few weeks, we have seen a small uptick in COVID-19 cases. We would like to do optional symptomatic testing for staff and students while they are at school. Please click the link below to consent to symptomatic rapid antigen testing: Please reach out to Nurse Lisa with any questions at [email protected].
Lunch Program Important UPDATE
Please click HERE to review an Important Update regarding state requirements that need to be met for every free lunch and breakfast provided.
Parker SEPAC
The ParkerPac, Parker’s SEPAC (Special Education Advisory Council), is a parent-led group providing support to parents & guardians of children who have an IEP or 504 Accommodation Plan. SEPAC membership is open to everyone in the Parker Community. Thank you to all who turned out for the SEPAC Meet and Greet at Back to School Night! It was wonderful to meet everyone and a great start to our year! We have several upcoming opportunities to meet, connect, and learn about the 504 and IEP process. Please join us for:
- A casual parent support gathering at Marty’s Cafe in Devens at 1:30 PM on Monday, September 25th.
- A zoom training from Rachel Enad of Mass Advocates for Children on Basic Rights in Special Education at 7 PM on Tuesday, October 24th (link to follow).
- A hybrid meeting with our new Special Education Director, Angela Greiner, discussing the new IEP, and Parker’s exciting opportunity in piloting it, on Tuesday, November 28th (time TBD).
Feel free to contact Jesse Lowe (SEPAC Chair) with any questions at (978) 618-0775 or [email protected].
Health Office Wish List
The Health Office would appreciate donations of healthy snacks, tissues, Band-Aids (fabric), 4 oz. paper cups, and new or lightly used boys and girls athletics shorts or girls leggings (Medium or Large).
Parker Band Update!
The Parker Band had a good turnout at our first informational meeting! If students missed that meeting, they are still welcome to sign up provided they know the basics of playing their woodwind, brass, or percussion instrument. Our rehearsals begin Tuesday, October 3rd in Room 13. Students can plan to come to rehearsals every Tuesday and Thursday from 3:30-4:30 PM. We will run through our concert in mid-January, and we plan to offer another term starting in the spring semester. The details for signing up are:
- If students filled out a survey at our meeting, we have your information, so no further info is required. Skip to step 3.
- If students missed the meeting, please fill out this sign-up form and then continue to step 3.
- To pay the $100 activity fee for the semester, just complete your payment through Parker’s Unipay webpage, clicking the “band” and “fall” options from the list. You can also bring a check or cash to the office in an envelope with your name and “Band fee” written on it. Checks should be made out to FW Parker Charter Essential School.
Students may drop off their instruments in Room 13 before advisory on rehearsal days if desired. Please contact us with any questions: Jim [email protected] or Marena [email protected].
Strategic Planning Committee
Reminder we are looking for a few parents/guardians and students to join a Strategic Planning Committee to help facilitate discussions, review feedback and draft the plan. The group will kick off in early October and meet twice a month, virtually in the afternoon through early Spring. Committee members should anticipate 4-8 hours of time per month. If you are interested in being considered for the Strategic Planning Committee, please reply to this form. We will review and select the committee by the end of the month. Thank you very much for your support and interest.
Instruments Sought
Reminder we are looking for playable brass, woodwind, and percussion instruments to loan to students that would like to play in the band but don’t own their own instrument. Please email Jim [email protected] or Marena [email protected] about loaning or donating unused instruments! Thank you for your support!
Flu Vaccine Clinic
Reminder a flu vaccine clinic will be held during PLP Day on Friday, October 13th, from 8:00 AM – 4:00 AM.
Please CLICK HERE to register! Please register now so enough vaccines are brought for everyone. The COVID vaccine won’t be available until October. More information regarding the COVID-19 vaccine is forthcoming.
Community Handbook
Reminder a copy of the Community Handbook can be found on the school website under Students & Parents.
MART Transportation
Reminder if you’re interested in shuttle service from Bolton, Boxborough, Littleton or Stow, please call MART at the number below. They currently provide taxi/livery service but are willing to start shuttles from these towns. Click here to learn more about taxi/livery service from Bolton, Boxborough, Lancaster, Littleton, Lunenburg, Sterling, or Stow.
MART also offers shuttle service to and from the Boys and Girls Club of Fitchburg and Leominster. Pickup is at 7:45 AM and drop off is at 4:15 PM at BGCFL. Cost is $4/ride or $80/month. Call MART directly at 800-922-5636 Option 3 by at least 4:30 PM the day before the ride is needed. Ask for the Devens Workforce Ride Program – Parker Charter and Boys and Girls Club.