49 Antietam St, Devens, MA 01434 Phone: (978) 772-3293
Value of
good health, collaboration, fun, and building relationships
Parker's athletic program is, most importantly, where students learn the value of good health, collaboration, fun, and building relationships. The athletic program provides opportunities for instruction, participation, and growth and strives to promote healthy competition characterized by sportsmanship and teamwork. Athletics at Parker enhances the academic experience and, while fostering respectful relationships among the students, strengthens the community. Students are encouraged to strive to compete at the highest level their ability and performance will allow. Accordingly, Parker provides varied levels of competition for each athlete. These goals of the athletic program relate to the following common principles of the Coalition of Essential Schools: requiring students to demonstrate mastery through exhibition, personalizing teaching and learning, emphasizing depth over breadth, embracing the metaphor "student as worker, teacher as coach," stressing un-anxious expectation, trust and decency, considering teachers as generalists with a commitment to the entire school, and modeling democratic and equitable practices.
As a community, we meet the challenges of our athletic philosophy through the cultivation of the following values:
All practices begin on Monday, December 2nd, and will be held on Monday through Friday that week. Please see registration information below and register as soon as possible.
ALL student athletes must now register for EACH season they want to participate in a sport by clicking on the following link: Athlete Registration
Sports User Fee of $300 and is due prior to the first game. It is preferred that the fee be paid online using an electronic check or credit card at: https://unipaygold.unibank.com/transactionInfo.aspx?CustomerID=1093. If writing a check, make it payable to Parker School and send it to the Main Office. There will be a family cap of $1,200 for the school year. Financial support is available for those who qualify. Please contact Michelle McKenna in the Business Office at [email protected] for more information.
Registration/documentation questions can be sent to Lisa Zick, School Nurse, at [email protected].
Parker sports related questions can be sent to Ben Benoit, Athletic Director, at [email protected].
2024-25 Season Schedule
2024-25 Season Schedule
2024-25 Season Schedule
2024-25 Season Schedule
2024-25 Season Schedule
Directions to
Sports Venues