49 Antietam St, Devens, MA 01434 Phone: (978) 772-3293
We look forward to seeing you on Friday, October 18th for fall PLP conferences. You should have received an email with a link to register for a 30-minute in-person conference with your child’s advisor. If you are unable to attend on October 18th, please contact the advisor to reschedule. If you are available but unable to attend in person, we are happy to host the meeting online.
Why do Parker students write Personal Learning Plans (PLP) and why do we dedicate one day in October and another in March to review PLPs with families? First, it is central to the Common Principle of Personalization whereby the needs and goals of each student informs our daily work. Second, PLPs provide a structured opportunity for students to develop the Habits of Learning – skills such as perseverance, organization and reflection – that anchor student learning. Third, PLPs help students develop agency in their own learning, authoring their own goals and strategies that they personally embrace. Finally, PLPs serve as a powerful tool for teachers, students and families to work together. It is one of the many ways that we partner with families.
The Parker School's mission is “to move the child to the center of the education process and to interrelate the several subjects of the curriculum in such a way as to enhance their meaning for the child” (Charter, October 1994). Thank you for helping us to do just that. See you in two weeks!
Parker was recently highlighted in an article about innovative high schools by Greg Toppo for The 74. The 74 is a nonprofit news organization dedicated to examining the issues impacting the education of America’s 74 million children — and the effectiveness of the system that delivers it. The article is Competency-Based Parker Essential School Succeeds by Doing More With Less.
Emails were sent to parents/guardians earlier this week (10/1) with OneNote Links to student classes. These links allow parents/guardians to access class/project information as well as your own student’s rubrics. More information about what these are and how you might use them is in the email itself. We will have several drop-in sessions to help parents who want support in learning how to use this resource. The first one will be on PLP day, when help will be available all day. Plan to stop by the lobby before or after your PLP if you want a mini-lesson on how to use this resource (or the School Connection resource we gave information about in the last two Friday letters)! You can also access these two documents, which share more information about assessment at Parker ( Assessment at Parker for Parents.pdf) and how Parker communicates with families about academics across the school year ( Family Academic Communication.pdf).
Please join us for the second session of orientation to Parker especially for parents/guardians who are new (or relatively new) to the school on Tuesday, October 8th, 7-8:30 PM in Room 27. This session will focus on "everything else" about the school, including the advisory program and PLPs, home-school communication, "discipline", extracurriculars & athletics, food programs, library and technology, and other important family and cultural aspects of the Parker experience. These sessions are live and in person with no virtual link, but we will make the slideshow and handouts available once both sessions are concluded.
Division 2 and 3 Students: PSATs and SATs are Wednesday, October 9th! Remember to be on time on Wednesday, get a good night’s sleep, eat breakfast, and bring your FULLY CHARGED laptop. You can also bring a small snack, and you should have something to write with for scratch work. Keep an eye on your email for logistical details!
Thanks to everyone who was able to join us at the Class of 2025’s Community Connections Night. If you weren’t able to attend, please spend a few minutes listening to the Senior Project topics that students plan to pursue this year. The link below will give you access to each senior’s “elevator speech” and provide a space for you to offer ideas, resources, contacts or other helpful information that can push their projects forward.
Parker Senior Project Community Connections: Share your ideas, resources, contacts!
Respond with ideas for a few seniors or all. Remember to click submit at the bottom of the form when you are done. And share the link with others! Thanks!
The Senior Seminar Teachers (Debbie, Jim, Ryan and Henry)
It’s not too late to register for the 5K Fun Run happening 10/13 at 11am or virtually! There are about a dozen shirts left- register now to make sure you get one! www.parker.school/run
Parker Charter School is committed to providing wellness practices according to the Massachusetts State Regulation 105.CMR.215. The Wellness Committee, comprised of stake holders such as food services, teachers, administration, health services, students, and parents/guardians, will promote lifelong health by focusing on educating students and staff regarding healthy choices through the curriculum, after school activities, and community activities by focusing on nutrition education, school meals, nutrition standards, employee wellness, and physical education. The committee will meet at least four times per school year to evaluate the wellness policy and make changes as necessary. If you would like to be part of the Wellness Committee, please reach out to Lisa Zick at [email protected].
Families should set up a meeting time for PLP Conferences (Personal Learning Plans) – you should have received an email from advisor(s) at this point with signup information. This is a student/family/advisor conference – if you are new to Parker, your child’s advisor will give you a longer introduction to the process! PLP Conferences are one of the traditions that help us to know our students well and support them in being at the center of their own education by setting their own goals for the year. Please look for the email with a booking link from your child’s advisor and select an appointment time on Oct 18. The appointment links are advisory-specific, so be sure to use the link sent in an email by each of your child’s advisors if you have more than one student at Parker. If you cannot make any of the times on 10/18 and/or if you need to attend remotely, please email your child’s advisor to set that up. There are no regular classes scheduled on PLP day and your student’s attendance is based on attending the conference.
Do you have unwanted, dead, or dying plants? A senior will make them into something beautiful! For her senior project, Margarethe is going to make paint using local ingredients and nothing artificial. Please leave plants or plant trimmings in the bin in the lobby by 10/31! Any plant works, but berries, flowers, or leaves would be most helpful. Thank you!
The Devens Enterprise Commission, MassDevelopment, and Artist Shara Osgood are pleased to announce the opening celebration of the Devens mural, entitled Intersections of Communities and Cultures. The event will take place on Tuesday, October 8th, at 4 PM (rain date is 10/9 @ 4 PM) at the location of the mural on Willard Field near the corner of Antietam St. and Sherman Ave. All ages are welcome, and refreshments will be served. More information on the project may be found at https://www.devensec.com/news/news.pdf. Shara has worked with Parker students in the past, providing them a guided tour of the murals in downtown Fitchburg, where she lives and has her studio.
The Lost & Found Closet (across from Room 28) will be CLEARED OUT on Friday, October 11th. Please stop by before that date to check for and claim any items that belong to your loved ones!
A copy of the updated Carpool List may be picked up at the front office (hard copy only). A printed Student Directory can be purchased at the front office for $3. If you would prefer to have a directory mailed to you, you can send $5 to Parker School or pay $5 online via UniPay under Misc, Fees, Other.
The Health Office would appreciate donations of tissues, fabric bandages (all sizes), and menstrual products. These supplies are distributed throughout the school on a regular basis and are currently low. Thank you in advance for your donations that help care for our Parker students and staff!
Our Flu AND COVID-19 (Moderna) vaccine clinic has been confirmed for
Friday, October 18th, on PLP Day. This clinic is for staff, students, and family members (ages 5 and up).
Please schedule your appointment from 8:00 AM - 4:00 PM by
clicking this link.
Do you know how to find your way to Parker’s playing locations? We have a GREAT feature on our website with interactive Google maps - just enter your address to receive directions to any of our game and meet locations. Find this feature by clicking HERE.
Upcoming Dates of Note: | |
Tue - Oct 8 | Parker 101, Part 2 |
Wed - Oct 9 | PSATs & SATs at Parker |
Thu - Oct 10 | Board of Trustees |
Sun - Oct 13 | Parker 5k Fun Run |
Mon - Oct 14 | Fall Holiday - NO SCHOOL |
Tue - Oct 15 | ACTs at Parker |
Fri - Oct 18 | PLP Conferences - NO CLASSES |
Looking for help with or concerning: | Please contact: |
a specific class or assignment | the teacher of that class (see Parker email list) |
technical support | email: [email protected] |
your family's or student's health | email: [email protected] |
mental health/emotional support needs | email: [email protected] |
food insecurity/free and reduced school lunch needs | email: [email protected] |
The Francis W. Parker Charter Essential School is committed to equal employment and educational opportunity for all members of the school community and prohibits discrimination on the basis of the basis of race, color, gender, pregnancy or pregnancy status, religion, gender identity, age, national origin, sexual orientation, homelessness, or disability, in the operation of the educational programs, activities, or employment policies.