Tampa Catholic High School
Parent OPT OUT Form for
Massachusetts Charter Public School Association

Our school will be providing parent directory information to the Massachusetts Charter Public School Association (MCPSA) so they can keep parents up to date about state issues that could impact charter schools. If you wish to OPT OUT and have the school NOT share your directory information with the MCPSA, you MUST complete and submit the form below.

The MCPSA advocates with the state government on behalf of charter schools. This advocacy includes the following:

  • Protecting charter school funding from budget cuts
  • Raising the cap to allow more charter schools to be created
  • Preventing rules and regulations from being passed that would make it hard for our charter schools to do what they do!

Please join the MCPSA in their advocacy on behalf of our charter school! Unless you fill out the OPT OUT form below, we will give your contact information to the MCPSA and they will be in touch with you directly on how you can help.

The following is the Parent/Guardian Opt Out Form for Parent Directory Information to be provided to the Massachusetts Charter Public School Association (MCPSA) for the 2023-2024 school year. To opt out means that a parent, guardian, or eligible student is denying permission for the school to share the parent(s) directory information with the MCPSA.

To make your request known, you must put your request in writing to the head of school (Brian Harrigan - [email protected]OR by completing the form below. If you do not express your preference, you are giving permission to share your directory information.


Please CHECK the statement below AND enter your email address if you are denying permission to share the parent(s) directory information with the Massachusetts Charter Public School Association.

You MUST Check this box to OPT OUT. *

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